Oklahoma: Jemaine Cannon Executed – Harrowing Letter From His Death Row Friend

The US state of Oklahoma yesterday executed Jemaine Cannon, who was sentenced to death for murder, by lethal injection. Jemaine Cannon insisted he acted in self-defense. From Oklahoma’s death row, we received words today from his friend Richard Rojem (Daiji), which we document here. He has been on death row for almost 40 years.

The following are the words of Daiji:

“My friend, Jemaine Cannon was executed by the State of Oklahoma two hours ago.
I knew Jemaine for nearly 30 years. He grew up in Flint, Michigan, about 40 miles north of my hometown of Detroit, Michigan. So, we had that in common as the foundation of our friendship. Gotta start somewhere, eh? There’s a kinship of sorts when it comes to people that come from where you come from – that shared experience, shared customs, knowing the same places, rooting for the same sports teams. Kinda like when you bump into someone from where you’re from when you’re on vacation in, say, Thule, Greenland. So, those are building blocks.
Another man from Detroit arrived here and we became fast friends with him. For the same reasons. Death row is a small community. We became like the Three Musketeers – all for one, one for all. This lasted over 20 years.

Scott was executed in January of this year.

On July 6th, I was moved from the cellblock that Jemaine and I were neighbors on for the past 3 years. While I was happy to be moving from a more restrictive cellblock, I was personally devastated to be abandoning my friend. I could have refused to move, but that would have got me a trip to “the hole” for refusing a direct order, so I still wouldn’t be there.
I know what you’re thinking, but no – abandonment is abandonment.
That was the hill to die on and I failed.
You don’t get let off that hook. You dangle there forever because you don’t ever forget your friends.

On my way off the run, I stopped at Jemaine’s cell and the two gomers escorting me started to give me sh*t for stopping. I turned to face them, looked them square in the eyes and said, “Write the ticket, use that pepper spray hanging from your Batman utility belt or put ’em up – dealer’s choice. While you’re deciding, I’ll be talking. Now, I don’t think for a minute that what I said had any bearing on the gomers giving me that break. I think it was the sadness in my tone, in my face.
So, we did get to say goodbye.
You can’t wipe away the tears in three-point restraints.
I ain’t that tough, not when it comes to this.

I’ve been here nearly 40 years. Executions in Oklahoma resumed in September of 1990 with Charles Coleman. I’ve been here for well over 100 executions – I knew each of those men personally, knew their momma’s names, their children’s names, played handball, cards, dominos, sat around and told war stories with them, and shared meals with them.
Most people have never had that number of friends. Hell, most people can’t name 100 people whom they’ve known thorough their life, including people they’ve seen, read about or voted for.
Jemaine’s last words to me, as I was headed through the gate off the cellblock was a shouted, ” DETROIT VERSES EVERYBODY, MOTHER@#$%ERS!!” This was our way of saying, “see ya.”

So, thank you for reading this and spending a few short minutes thinking about my friend, Jemaine Cannon.
May God bless him and grant him comfort.
May the Buddhas and the ancestors be with him on his journey.
May he be reborn in a safer, more peaceful place.
I offer merit for him and for all that he did for all the rest of us.
I offer merit for all the readers and for all that they do for all the rest of us.

With my palms together,

Richard Rojem (Daiji) has an execution date of October 5. According to our information, however, this date is to be postponed, probably to 2024. Daiji insists he is innocent and is being cared for by IHfL, which has also set up a website for him.

Shortly before he was murdered, Jemaine Cannon responded to a question about whether he had any last words:
“Yes, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Therefore, I am saved. Thank you.”

Peter K.

Email from Richard Rojem to Peter K. about Securus.online

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